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Saturday, November 18, 2006


Chris Cornell formed Soundgarden in 1985 and over the course of 12 years the group established themselves as one of the most influential rock bands of the nineties, selling over 20 million records worldwide. David Fricke wrote in Rolling Stone, "On their '94 masterblast, SUPERUNKNOWN, Soundgarden blew a big, black hole through the burnt-boogie angst of heavy Muzak, managing to sound both fried and alive in the fine thunder-and-color tradition of late period Led Zeppelin."

As Soundgarden continued to release critically acclaimed and platinum selling albums, the music of Rage Against The Machine was bringing a fierce and uncompromising meld of punk-inspired hard rock and pollitically charged rap to the mainstream charts. With the release of their self-titled debut in 1992, the face of rock music began to change. Rage Against The Machine went on to sell more than 15 million albums worldwide.

The 14 tracks on AUDIOSLAVE are the result of the band's early time spent in their Los Angeles rehearsal space writing and jamming. During this writing and recording process, rough demos of the album were leaked to the Internet. Obviously, these tracks were not representative to the final album as they were rehearsal demos.

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